If you need body work done to repair your car after a fender bender or accident and you’re paying out of pocket, it’s very good to know what your options are. When money is no object, it’s easy to say “Just go to the best collision repair shop!” But what happens when you’re on a budget?
If you want to make the most of your money, it’s important to understand exactly what you need. After any accident, there are three types of repairs that might be required. When something mechanical is broken – such as your engine – you need mechanical repairs. When the damage is to the exterior of the car – including the trunk, roof, hood, doors, body panels and more – you need body work. And when the windshield or windows are broken, you need auto glass repairs.
The best collision repair shop provides all of the services you need to get your car back on the road functioning flawlessly and looking great. When you’re on a budget, it is sometimes necessary to prioritize which kinds of repair services you have done. Pragmatically, mechanical repairs which allow for the safe and legal operation of the vehicle and auto glass repairs generally need to be addressed before bodywork issues.
When choosing a collision repair shop, talk to them about what your options are. The best collision repair shop will provide estimates that help you understand what repairs you will have done right away and what can wait until your financial situation allows for it.
If you only need bodywork done, be aware that there is still some flexibility available to you. For example, at our shop, we offer a good-better-best tiered menu of bodywork services. The best level is for the car owner who wants their vehicle looking showroom perfect. The good level is the most affordable, and provides minimal levels of repair to keep the car drivable without concealing the fact damage happened. In between, the most popular option, which repairs and restores the vehicle to a reasonable level without spending a ton of time or money.