“As clever as you might think you are,” Ronnie said, “you are no match for a woman who thinks you’ve done her wrong.” Through what he called “a series of understandable but ultimately very bad decisions” the Massachusetts man found himself dating three women at once.
“I’m not exactly sure which one of them keyed my car,” he said. “And nobody’s speaking to me now, so clearly it’s time to move on. But how do I deal with my car now? I can’t exactly take anyone for a ride without explaining why it looks like that, and to be frank, that’s a conversation I don’t want to have.”
Find Car Scratch Repair Service Near Me
While we’re not qualified to comment on relationship problems, we are experts on car scratch repair. There are different levels of car scratches, ranging from clear coat scratches, where only the very top level of your finish is damaged, to paint damage and primer damage. Paint damage removes the top level of finish and some of the paint without revealing the car’s body. Primer damage is the most severe because it goes through the clear coat, paint, and primer to reveal the car’s body.
Once the car’s body is revealed, it becomes more vulnerable to damage from water, road salt, and other environmental issues. It is very important to have car scratches repaired before winter weather arrives.
The role of the car scratch repair service is to prepare the damaged areas of your car for painting, and then, using paints that are an exact match for your car’s finish, repaint and clear coat your car so the finish looks as good as new. The results provided by a professional auto paint shop are always going to be better than what the average untrained person can do with a DIY scratch repair kit. When the damage is extensive – including scratches longer than an inch or any scratches that go all the way to the primer – working with a professional is strongly recommended.