There’s nothing more startling than having someone hit your car. Whether this happened while you were parked, in traffic, or just waiting at a red light, there are certain things you must do to protect your safety and rights in this situation. Don’t make any of these 3 Big Mistakes:
Mistake #1: Leaving the Scene of an Accident
No matter what happens – whether your car was hit or you hit someone’s car – do not leave the scene of an accident. If you’re afraid to interact with the other person involved in the accident, stay in your vehicle and call for assistance. Leaving the scene of an accident is against the law. You are required to stay on the scene until law enforcement releases you.
Mistake #2: Failing to Get Checked Out
During a car accident, damage to your car can occur that you don’t see or know about. Additionally, because of the tremendous forces exerted on the body during even a small car accident, it is possible to sustain physical injuries. Even though the accident has already disrupted your day, it is important to take the time and have your vehicle checked by a top rated collision repair shop. They can look for any mechanical issues that will compromise your ability to use the car safely. It’s also a good idea to see your physician and ensure you’re not injured after a car accident.
Mistake #3: Choosing the Wrong Repair Shop
The scene after an accident can be chaotic and confusing. However, you don’t want to send your vehicle to any random shop for repairs. It doesn’t matter what shop is closest, where the other party in the accident wants you to go, or even what your car insurance company says. You have the right to choose the best qualified shop to fix your car. When searching for top rated collision repair shops, don’t be afraid to ask about any experience they have working on your type of car. For best results, choose a collision repair shop with highly trained, certified technicians.